Case Study B

Case summary

Referral received from Whitehall surgery via surgery Nurse Practitioner.(28/7/15) Referral was for Mr X (dad) and requested support due to his on-going  mental health issues and the impact on his family.


Contact was made with Mr X (14/8/15) and initial contact was agreed. Mr X asked for initial not to take place at the family home as his wife has no awareness of the referral for support. A neutral place for contact was agreed to allow awareness of support required.


On meeting Mr X awareness of major financial issues were having a big impact on his own mental health and the possibility of losing the family home. Relationship issues between himself and his wife continue and she has no idea of the current concerns. MR X has two daughters, Miss R 15yrs,  Miss L 13yrs old.  Miss L has ASD and attends local special school.

Mr X was made aware of the role of GP FSW and being employed by Warwickshire County Council. All required documents were signed and agreed, Mr X was shown the referral from the surgery

Mr X agreed for contact to made with Miss R as he had concerns about her on going behaviour but did not understand why she was behaving the way she did. At present he felt that Miss L was being supported as needed. Offer for support was made for the family if needed at a later date. At the present time Mr X’s wife does not feel that she needs support but is now aware of the contact between GP FSW and her family.

Referral made to Brokerage service WCC to allow support re financial issues. Regular visits agreed to allow support and MR X engaged.

GP FSW met with Miss R on several occasions. School visits and  1:1 support out of school environment, this led to the awareness of a wide range of mental health issues that Miss R was experiencing.

  • High levels of anxiety (Home inventory Adolescent Wellbeing questionnaire showed High levels of anxiety.
  • Self harming, cutting, drawing on body, pulling out of hair leading to bald patches.
  • Eating disorder, big weight loss.
  • Body dysmorphic.
  • Bullying at school
  • Isolation
  • Suicidal thoughts.


Miss R was deeply distressed and did not want the information sharing with her dad. GP FSW expressed the safe guarding issues and the concerns for her wellbeing. A joint visit with parent was agreed to allow awareness of Miss R’s on going needs.

Following this visit, Miss R acknowledged the high level of concern which she has shared and now  understands  the need for specialist support. Miss R agreed to a joint visit with her dad (Mr X) but wanted GP FSW to be present. This was arranged and meeting took place.

Following the emotional meeting, it was agreed for the implementation of a CAF for Miss R.


Mr X took his daughter to see the GP.

GP FSW made a referral to CAMHS. (8/10/15)

GP FSW updated surgery to allow awareness of referral to CAMHS. Miss R was registered at another surgery. GP FSW informed them of the support given and concerns re Miss R. (Dr Bird)

CAMHS requested blood tests and full medical to undertaken to allow full assessment to take place which was undertaken.


Good communication continued with parent allowing awareness of ongoing needs of his daughter together with support and encouragement for dad to access IAPT.   Good communication with Miss R’s school, allowed awareness of ongoing concerns  and for the  bullying to be addressed.

Communication with CAMHS continued.


Miss R is now awaiting support from CAMHS and now feels supported and listened to.

CAF now implemented with GP FSW as lead professional.

Mr X is now being supported re finances and looking to access IAPT

School aware of bullying and support is   now being put in place for Miss R.

Dad is attending Teen Group Triple P (parenting programme)