Change Direction

Battery’s from electric cars, need to look at recycling now

Liberal Democrats are calling on Warwickshire County Council to change direction on the economy. Cllrs Jerry Roodhouse and Bill Gifford are proposing a motion to the County.

Proposed motion for Council

This Council supports the UN sustainability goals as part of its corporate plan and notes the good work that has been taking place regarding Climate Change so far and welcomes the Green Shoots initiative along with other actions that have been taken.  

This Council also recognises the increased scientific evidence that we need to act more quickly, as confirmed by the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report (sixth assessment). The UK is hosting the UN Climate Change Conference COP26 and holding the Presidency for this critical conference, and there is an ever-increasing focus on net zero carbon.  

In light of these facts, Council requests that it establishes a framework by which all decisions made by WCC are checked against a climate change assessment. WCC should also use its unique position to bring forward strategic proposals on further developing the direction of Warwickshire’s economy. For example, this could include greater investment towards green skills as indicated in the latest growth hub report. With the increase in electric vehicles and the greater reliance and use of batteries, we as a county should also seek to work with innovators and lead in developing the recycling actions that will be needed to make Warwickshire a circular economy.

Policy information innovation-deal-for-a-circular-economy

Your Buses

The County Council is conducting its survey for the Warwickshire Bus service Plan.

Warwickshire Bus Service Improvement Survey via the following weblink:

Paper copies can be downloaded and returned as well

The public engagement exercise will run until Sunday 19th September 2021.

Marle Hall

The County Council Cabinet have announced that Marle Hall in Wales will close. The Liberal Democrat Group on the County Council did call in the decision, as the Cabinet had ignored the 7,000 strong petition to keep Marle Hall open and examine the business case put by those who wanted Marle Hall to continue.  Sadly, the decision remained to close Marle Hall.  

The Liberal Democrats were hoping that the much loved venue in North  Wales, that has welcomed generations of Warwickshire students to explore the Welsh countryside, experience courses from biology, art, climbing and much more, could find a way forward.  It is indeed regrettable that Marle Hall did not get the necessary maintenance and investment by the County Council over recent years. 

Councillor Jenny Fradgley said, “The Liberal Democrats will try and ensure that the County Council keeps to its promise that arrangements will be made to accommodate parties booked in other venues, and we hope that in future the County Council will help schools to find new providers for similar residential courses that are so important for personal development.” 

Bursary Needed

Cllr Jerry Roodhouse

Outdoor Learning is important. The definition that we use is that Outdoor Learning is a broad term that includes discovery, experimentation, learning about and connecting to the natural world, and engaging in environmental and adventure activities.

The debate in Warwickshire about this subject is alive and politically active. The Liberal Democrats recognise this debate and the proposed actions that the Conservative administration want to take in regard to this important matter. Cllr Jerry Roodhouse who leads the Liberal Democrats is calling for action to be taken in the development of an “Outdoor Learning Strategy” he stated that “It needs to have resources and any strategy should be funded the liberal Democrats also want to see a bursary scheme to enable individuals to go on outdoor learning experiences”

Jerry Roodhouse asked a question of the Portfolio Holder Cllr Morgan at Children’s Overview & scrutiny Committee 20th July on this matter, Cllr Morgan responded in a positive manner, let us hope words can turn into action.

The Outdoor Institute explains in more detail the type of experience that Warwickshire needs to be able offer its young people it is the next generation we need to be investing in.

Action on Buses

Call for action by Liberal Democrat Cllrs at Warwick Cllrs Sarah Boad & Bill Gifford will present a motion to County Council July 1st that calls for elected members to work cross party to support local bus services.
The motion states that It is noted that the provision of local bus services in the County
have suffered during the pandemic with a reduced frequency
of the service and a large drop in the number of passengers.
It is also noted that a good and regular service is essential to
achieve the modal shift required to reduce the number of car
This Council resolves to set up a cross party working group to
work with officers to draw up a fully costed Bus Service
Improvement Plan for approval by Cabinet by the end of
October 2021:
The plan should

  1. include an aim to deliver a comprehensive service for
  2. encourage greater use of buses;
  3. encourage greater uptake and use of bus passes;
  4. investigate the use of electric and hydrogen buses
    Proposer: Councillor Sarah Boad
    Seconder: Councillor Bill Gifford

Amendments by both the Conservative & Green groups are being made to the motion

More information can be found Campaign for Better Transport

Action needed on buses

County Council Liberal Democrat Group.

Thankyou to all the Liberal Democrats who voted for us. Following the election the County Liberal Democrat group is involved in the following Scrutiny Committees.

Jerry Roodhouse Group Leader, Vice Chairman Children’s Scrutiny Committee, Corporate Parenting, Warwickshires Health & Wellbeing Board

Sarah Boad Deputy Group Leader Resources & Fire and Rescue, Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE)

Jenny Fradgley Communities Scrutiny Committee Jenny also leads on Climate Change.

Kate Rolfe Adults & Health Overview & Scrutiny Kate leads on adult social care including mental health issues.

Bill Gifford Staff & Pensions Committee Vice Chairman, Audit & Standards, Pension Fund Sub Committee & joint negotiating staff & teachers

This group has many years of local government experience and will using it to make sure the the Conservative administration develops Fairer, Caring, Greener policies for all.