Warwickshire Liberal Democrats voted today in support of a county council motion expressing concern that the Government’s intention to introduce more Grammar Schools could undermine the quality of the existing schools network and reduce social mobility. Together with Labour and Green members, they defeated the Conservatives by 28 to 25 on a recorded vote.
Lib Dem Education spokesperson Cllr John Whitehouse (Kenilworth Abbey) said that the Conservatives had no mandate from the electorate to open new grammar schools, and that such a policy would fail to address the agreed key educational priority for Warwickshire, which was to close the educational attainment gap between pupils from disadvantaged families and their peers. While overall attainment levels for Warwickshire, were higher than the national average, the attainment gap ranked as one of the worst in England.
Stratford Lib Dem councillor Jenny Fradgeley (Stratford South) spoke eloquently about her experience of teaching and motivating pupils in a so-called “creamed comprehensive”, in an area where the highest academically achieving youngsters were separated out at age 11. She called for government and councils to focus attention and further investment into early year’s education, as the best way of closing the educational attainment gap in the long term.
Cllr Whitehouse said:
“As Liberal Democrats we are proud of all of our secondary schools in Warwickshire, as the wording of the motion stated which the Conservatives tried to defeat. However, Theresa May’s reported ambition to see ‘a grammar school in every town’ could undermine many of our currently outstanding and good comprehensive schools across the county, and there is no evidence that such a policy would help to address the real educational priority, of ensuring that every child gets the best possible chances in life.”
Lib Dem group leader Cllr Jerry Roodhouse (Rugby Eastlands & Hillmorton) said:
“Following this vote, we expect the Conservative administration to relay the concerns of this council back to the Government, and to demand that national education policies focus on supporting all of our schools, enabling all Warwickshire children to achieve their full potential”

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