At tomorrow’s annual meeting of Warwickshire County Council, the Liberal Democrat group will be tabling the following resolution:-
“This Council believes that the current size of Cabinet should be reduced in line with the savings being made across all council services, and that it being constituted of members from a single political group does not serve the best interests of Warwickshire residents.
The Council calls on the Leader to review whether it is appropriate to establish a Cabinet consisting of seven members which reflects the political make-up of the County Council in accordance with the proportionality rules, and to report back at the next meeting of the Full County Council.”
Cllr Jerry Roodhouse, Lib Dem Group Leader, said:-
“We have consistently called for a streamlined County Council Cabinet structure over recent years, most recently in the budget debate in February, and we do so again.
“A Cabinet of nine members is too large when we have reduced the number of senior directors from nine to five in recent years, and are seeking to further rationalise management structures. Elected members should lead from the front on this.
“We believe that a politically-balanced Cabinet would command greater support from elected members, and from the electorate in general, to help push through the Council’s very difficult agenda of change over the next four years (the One Organisational Plan).”