For the next generation we need a fairer, caring, greener Warwickshire the campaign continues.
Liberal Democrats at the County Council 14th December led the way on various items that were up for debate. The first item was a motion concerning drainage issues and working with Seven Trent, presented by Cllr Jerry Roodhouse,
He stated that “It is clear that we are seeing increasing weather patterns which includes heavy rainfall, our drainage systems are not working and with the planned growth of housing will lead to more problems” the Conservatives agreed but wanted a slight change of wording which was agreed and the full council supported it
More heat was generated with debate on trees which the Conservatives presented, Cllrs Jenny Fradgley and Kate Rolfe asked for the inclusion of the Soil Association, Forestry Commission along with the Woodland Trust be inserted and that all elected members are encouraged to support biodervisty and tree planting. They also said “that most of this work was underway including the preparation of a business case for a tree nursery along with a set of other activity that the cross party working group had agreed on”
Surprisingly the Conservatives would not accept this and rejected the calls. Cllr Jerry Roodhouse said “were they just playing politics?” which of course they denied video link to the debates and motions WCC Council Trees
The Liberal Democrat team will continue to campaign and challenge the Conservative administration at question time we asked about, ECO Schools and what action was being taken to do a survey that was agreed 15th December 2020 answer no action yet. Further questions about how fragile the care market is and nutritional meals for care residents we are very concerned about this. Cllr Bill Gifford asked about how we as a Council can support GPs ?