Council Tax up and highways maintenance funding slashed by Government

Councillor Jerry Roodhouse (Eastlands) has expressed his dismay as Warwickshire County Council is set to lose over £5.7 million for local road maintenance.  

The Department for Transport has announced capital funding of £1.385bn for local road maintenance and pothole filling across the country for 2021/22, a £400m reduction on last year’s allocation of £1.783bn. 

Councillor Jerry Roodhouse who is Vice Chairman of the County Council Network is calling on the Government to do more and set a long-term plan for investing in our local road and transport networks. 

Commenting. Councillor Jerry Roodhouse (Eastlands), said: 

“The bad weather recently has not helped our aging infrastructure and Councils rely on this capital funding to ensure our road and footpath networks are kept in good condition. Warwickshire’s allocation from Government is a fraction of what’s needed when you consider the investment required to maintain and keep everything up to standard. With Council Tax increases being set by the Conservative administration at Warwickshire County Council, this is a slap in the face for residents.” 

Warwickshire           24,428,00018,828,000–            5,600,000
Set to loose over £5 million

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